Sponsor Us

Why support the Stockton Heath Festival?

Here are two great reasons to get involved.

1. A positive way for your business to support the premier cultural event in the community, while raising awareness of your business through promotions in local press, on social media, and to thousands of people who attend the extended festival weekend. There are various affordable packages available. To find out more please contact sponsors@stocktonheathfestival.co.uk

2. Employees volunteering for the festival, fitting in with employee engagement programmes or corporate social responsibility initiatives, while developing new skills. Contact volunteers@stocktonheathfestival.co.uk to find out more.

Planning begins in October for the following year’s festival and it would be great to have you on board!

Fancy supporting the Festival?

As a charity, the Festival relies on volunteers and sponsorship. To volunteer, you must be over 18 years old with a few hours to spare. If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you!

To sponsor, various packages are available so please express your interest in supporting the Festival below (planning for the 2025 Festival will begin in October 2024).

Fill out the brief form below and choose the area you’re interested in and a member of the Festival Team will get back to you.


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